Scarification is the pourposeful scratching, burning, branding or cutting the body with designs pictures or words to remain thefe permanantly. The process is ment to cause more scar tissue than normal.The practice goes back thousands of years, to earliest tribal societies and can often show the tribe, family and position of the person scared.It can be done to mark the change of boyhood to manhood. It can be used to prove the braveness of a person. It can be used to show a persons sexual orientation and role and also religious status.It was so important to some societies that people who did not go through the experience were treated as outsiders and not allowed to take a full role in that society.The most common way of scaring is cutting. To make the scar more prominent,the cut can be filled with ink, removing the upper layer of skin and oavking the cut with clay or ash. This is pushed out of the skin as the cut heals. This is the most common way of doing it. It can also be done by branding with hot metals.It can be very dangerous and has often caused the death of people through infections.. That's why I wanted to incorpate using scarification to go with my concept of 'we've become what we've destroyed' the scarification has a lot of influence of the pain but can still be quite beautiful designs even though it's a old tradition it's still around today and even people that don't follow that certain religion, beliefs or tribe are having scarification done for a replacement of tattoos which is also very like scarification as body mutation is very popular in today's culture almost everyone you meet will have some sort of piercing or tattoo.
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