I decided to look at the magnificent Lord Voldemort an iconic hybrid that is half human with snake like features. The build up to what 'he who must not be named' looked like was executed amazingly as this creature with the half formed nose and features and veins on the head which inspired me to try with the veins I wanted to create for my own hybrid what researching lord Voldemort taught me is that not all of it was make-up some of it was filming effects such as the nose As the actor Ralph Fiennes’ didn't want too much make-up as he felt it would effect the way he acted in his role and wanted too act freely. I do like the idea of the bald cap and and adding veins too my look I love how it looks indented into his head. The make-up artist Sean Harrison worked well with the visual effects team to create such a remembered character. The fear factor that lord Voldemort brings is such and important factor that theyve worked with so well The only make-up he had on during scenes were the eyebrow pieces and the veins on his head.

How long does this sinister makeover take? At least two-and-a-half hours for Fiennes, who viewed the time as essential to his portraying the full evilness of You-Know-Who. “A certain look that you have helps you locate who you’re being. You look at yourself in the mirror, you see this face, and you say, ‘I know who I am,’” Fiennes told MTV News.
This quote shows me how important makeup is within getting the actor into charter it helps them feel the role and enhances the performance. an d where he says you look in the mirror and say 'I know who I am' has taken to me as the audience will feel the same.
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