Tuesday 1 December 2015


 I am really pleased with my final outcome of my hybrid I feel that I wasn't too stressed through out the assessment It took me around 5 hours to create I feel that I spent more time trying to get it perfect and finalised. One aspect that I would have liked to enhance is the use of ridgid collidion for my scarification but my model didn't like the feel of it tightening around his neck so I didn't do too many layers I did 4 layers which did work effectively and the cracking around the skin and neck orginally I didn't really like but adjusting it worked well as I feel it added to the look, also doing the roots ( veins) in green, purple and blue adding more colour too it as I feel it could have looked bland without it and it added to the mythical feel I wanted. using the flowers and leaves around my silicone branches really worked well I feel it added more drama to the look I enjoyed attaching the pieces   And I liked how it framed my work . Im really happy with the placement of my flower I feel it was perfect where it was it looked like the source of the hybrid which I wanted, The top edge of the flower didn't blend in exactly like I wanted which I would go back and change. Also in hindsight I wouldn't have painted my models eyebrows white I would have just added a slight touch of foundation over them. The branches I firstly started to build up the colour and I wanted them to have a lot of dark colours on it but when adding the dark brows it didn't work out as well so I decided to have them the same colour as the foundation which I feel worked out better. I did work very hard on my hybrid and I'm not the best with technology so when it came to taking my photos I wasn't sure on the settings so that's an aspect as I feel my hybrid looked a lot better than was photographed but that's my own fault for not pre planning the settings The application of the silicone took awhile and concentration to blend in the edges  but once that was done I really enjoyed buliding up the colours and creatin my final piece! over all I'm very pleased with the out come and I loved this project and wish it lasted longer, it has given me self belief and confidence for the future!

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